Liposuction in Turkey | Medicsey


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17 سبتمبر 2022
نشاط medicsey:
  • Liposuction in Turkey | Medicsey
Liposuction in Turkey | Medicsey

Liposuction in Turkey is one of the most prevalent plastic surgeries at the present time. Many individuals need to undergo liposuction for various reasons, but the only link between them is the appearance of sagging skin.

The types of Liposuction in Turkey

Liposuction in Turkey procedure for male breast

Women breast liposuction in Turkey procedure

Liposuction in Turkey procedure on thighs

Liposuction in Turkey procedure for abdominal part:

This problem appears clearly in women after pregnancy and childbirth, or after following a diet, and it also appears for men after the age of thirty, and the abdomen hinders them from obtaining a slim and athletic body. Therefore, men and women resort to liposuction from the abdomen to obtain a tight abdomen.

How does VASER liposuction work?

VASER lipo offers a sensitive and minimally invasive liposuction technology that produces eye-catching results without the need for discomfort and long recovery times as in traditional liposuction treatments. The duration of the operation differs depending on the number and size of the areas to be treated, the VASER lipo method generally takes between 1 or 2 hours.

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